It is not a secret that the Nebraska winters can be lengthy and bitter.  The landscape garden can help alleviate some of the winter blues by showcasing winter interest through textures, colors and fruits, all which can be showy in the cold when selecting the right plants to do the job!  Here are some examples of how to incorporate plants with winter interest into the landscape as well as some varieties to make it happen.

Attractive bark is an important element in the winter landscape.  Once leaves have fallen and the bark’s surface is exposed, it can be seen in all its wonder.  Some bark is fissured, and some bark is unique for its peeling effect, regardless, bark can offer texture and color to the landscape beds during the winter months.  A few favorite varieties known for their attribute of outstanding bark in the landscape would include the paperbark maple, river birch, and the seven-son flower shrub.

Another key component of winter interest in the landscape beds includes color.  Several plant varieties offer color during the summer with their intense blooms, but it is important to incorporate the plants that offer powerful color during the winter months as well.  Whether it be through stem color or brightly colored persistent fruit, year-round color brightens the landscape beds.  The redosier dogwood, scarlet curls curly willow, beautyberry, holly, and snowberry shrubs all offer either brightly colored stems or a collage of colorful berries for landscape winter interest.

To inquire further about how to incorporate some winter interest into your landscape, contact the All American office at 402-408-0000.