Your lawn needs a lot of consideration and care in the spring season. It is a challenging moment for your turf as it is in the healing phase for the earth and grass to try to rebound after a long, cold season of compressed dirt and trampled blades and roots. One of the most advantageous steps of lawn care during the spring season is aeration.  Thank goodness for All American’s grounds maintenance services, as lawn aeration, whether spring or fall, is a service offered annually to all of our customers!

Aeration in residential turfgrass areas is a procedure that allows your lawn to exhale. The lawn develops a layer of thatch which is essentially an obsolete layer of dead root mass, leaves and other lawn rubbish built up and blocking the ability of your lawn to breathe. Aerating your lawn involves a process where your lawn will be penetrated with spikes, letting air move through the soil, or little cores of soil will be removed and placed on top of the lawn to let your lawn behave as it should.

Spring aeration is critical to the wellbeing of your lawn and valuable in countless ways. As soon as winter subsides and everything fades and starts to dry, your lawn wants some relief to allow it to decompress and receive nutrients appropriately. Aeration facilitates the relief of the pressure on the soil and soaks up what it needs from both the nutrients you give it and water it gets.  To inquire further about scheduling an All American spring lawn aeration, call the office at 402-408-0000.