Benefits of a Healthy Turf System

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Benefits of a Healthy Turf System

Maintained turf shines in many ways, and All American’s chemical program can make it a reality.  Turfgrasses need, at minimum, 16 nutrients for typical growth and maturity. Some nutrients are required in hefty volumes, other nutrients only in miniscule amounts.  Despite the total essentials, an absence of any of these nutrients will reduce the progress and growth of the turf. Consequently, a calcium shortage can be just as harmful to the turf systems as a deficit of nitrogen, even though turfgrasses exhaust more nitrogen than calcium.

When it comes to cost, fertilization does more to advance mediocre turfgrass or uphold superior lawns than any other management exercise. Correct fertilization attempts yield a dense, lush, medium- to dark-green lawn that counterattacks irritants and environmental strains.  To inquire further about how All American can benefit your turf system by implementing a chemical program into your lawn, call the office at 402-408-0000.

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