Annual Color Comes in a Variety of Colors and Sizes and Textures to Beautify

Annuals for a Splash of Summer Color – Think Now!

As the autumn months wind down and we move into winter, it is time to start planning for spring and summer annuals for 2020 – what?  That is right.  Most people don’t realize it, but a lot of planning goes into spring and summer color for annuals, whether they are in the ground or for container color. 

The planning process for a landscape company that typically does the annual color installation begins early fall and is not complete until just after the new year.  Benefits of planning your annuals early include plant and variety choice or availability, ordering in quantity if necessary, and locking in pricing for the next year without worry of increased vendor costs.

Color in containers should typically container three items: a spiller, a filler, and a thriller.  Whether you are preparing a container for spring or summer, your preferences or plant choices might differ, but the idea is the same.  A spiller is a plant that trails down the container as a waterfall effect, such as a sweet potato vine or an ivy.  A filler can be many specimens and are usually the main flower color of which there can be more than one type.  Filler options include pansies for spring, and begonias, impatiens, and coleus for summer.  The thriller is the exciting part and can be a live specimen or a fun feature in the design.  Some examples of thrillers include curly willow stems, native grasses and tropical plants.  To inquire further about how All American can add annuals into your landscape, call the office at 402-408-0000.